Monday, January 10, 2011

What's it all about?

I have a favorite weather blog website where I go to learn about what weather to expect and read the comments from all the people who are weather junkies like me.  Sometimes the people on the blog get too rude, make comments they shouldn't, especially about things of which they know nothing about.  
I consider myself to be fairly intelligent and in possession of social "know-how", so when some of the comments inflame my senses, I know the weather blog is not the place to air my feelings.  Taking the idea from my savvy niece, Emily, I decided to create a blog where I could enter my thoughts about miscellaneous things in my life.
So, here I am today, bewildered about what to do and how to make this blog interesting, and especially how to make it work.  A long-time fan of learning, I suppose I'll take it one step at a time and work out all the kinks until I am happy with what I see.

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